4 Ways to Confront Eve Instant Heat Without air conditioning

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Hot and sunny weather probably make a lot of people annoyed and tired. Everyone was looking for a way to turn heat into cool. Thus, they often choose to find a place that has a cooling or air conditioning.

However, as we know, the circulation of existing air conditioning or air conditioning is not necessarily healthy. In fact, if too often in air-conditioned places can make the skin dry.
So, what can be done to combat the heat without air? You can do the following, as quoted from page Modernmom.com. In addition to lower electricity bills, do not use air conditioning can also save energy.

1.Close Window

Opening the windows during the day can actually make the house hotter. This happens because the heat coming through the window. So, better, close the windows during the day and opening windows at night when the cold air. The cold night air can cool the room naturally.

2.Eating Cold Food


On hot days, cold or eating foods containing water will lower your body temperature. Israeli salad bowl (chopped tomatoes, chopped cucumber, onion, olive oil, lemon and salt and pepper) is one of choice. For snacks, try eating ice cream or sipping iced syrup.

3.Swin or Bathe in Cold Water

This activity can be guaranteed to soothe you. But, there is another solution that is faster, ie, take an ice cube and rub it on the inside of your wrist. This is because the blood vessels very close to the skin in the area. You will feel the coolness in an instant.

4.Turn Off The Lights

Incandescent light bulbs not only produce much light, but a lot of heat energy. Energy light bulbs produce an average of 75% of heat energy. Consider replacing your light bulbs with the type of energy-efficient light bulbs. In addition to cool the room, turning off unnecessary lights can save energy and costs.
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