Beware , Stomach Fat Brain Shrinking

This is a warning to those who feel that their body more "stretchy" or circumference of his stomach continued to "swell". The results of the latest findings of experts in the U.S. revealed a large abdominal circumference can make your brain shrink!


"Overweight or obesity is closely associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is also associated with impairment in cognitive abilities," says Antonio Convit, researchers from New York University School of Medicine.

In his study, Convit wanted to ascertain whether obesity also has a direct impact on the physical structure of the human brain.

As part of his research, he used the imaging method of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to compare the brains of obese volunteers 44 to 19 volunteers slim. Volunteers are involved in the study had ages and backgrounds together.

The results showed, those who are obese have a much more fluid in the amygdala region of the brain involved in feeding behavior. Research also shows the size of the orbitofrontal cortices are smaller in volunteers robin big belly. Orbitofrontal cortices play an important part to control impulses, and had a role in feeding behavior.

"That means that only a few cells of neurons (in volunteers obesitas), or neuronal cells were shrunken," he said as quoted by New Scientist Convit.

Diabetes and cognitive impairment
Based on medical literature, insulin, which controls the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the body-is also in charge of controlling the supply of dopamine to the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter substances the brain needs to focus attention, appreciation, and motor activity.

Lack of insulin can interfere with the activity of dopamine which leads to brain disorders such as depression, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Studies that develop at this time confirms that changing lifestyle factors, particularly regular exercise, may be an effective way to reduce the risk of brain disorders in the elderly.
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5 Magic Potion Natural Anti-Ulcer

In general, ulcer disease is caused by high levels of acid in the stomach. High levels of stomach acid due to excessive acid production or destruction of a slow acid. Can also be triggered by a neurological disorder or a bacterial infection.


Chronic ulcer disease can cause complications in the form of irritation or sores in the stomach. Symptoms of this disorder is usually a hardened feces due to poor digestion, poor appetite, frequent vomiting, body weakness, and chronic diarrhea sometimes occur.

Treating an ulcer, said Iskandar Ali, herbalist and acupuncturist of a Healthy Lifestyle Clinic, can be done in two ways, namely ear massage and herbal ingredients.

A massage the ear area, said Iskandar, is the point of stomach, liver, heart, and neural balancer. Massage the ear can be done with simple tools

Here are some herbs to address the problems ulcers, which offered Iskandar:

Ingredients: 1 handful of bean sprouts, 1 tablespoon honey
How to use: Sprouts blender, and add honey. Drink this mixture twice a day.

Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 tablespoon honey
How to use: Lime cut into pieces, pour boiling hot water to taste, then add honey. Drink this mixture twice a day, morning and afternoon.

Ingredients: Each 1 / 2 finger bangle, ginger, galingale, and lempuyang
How to use: All materials are washed thoroughly, then slice thinly. Boil all the ingredients in five cups of water up into two glasses. Potion taken twice daily before meals, one each glass.

Ingredients: 1 large stem of aloe vera, sugar to taste, 2 cups water salt, 1 cup rice water, 1 cup water

How to use: aloe vera skin peeled and cut into cubes, then wash with brine. Rinse with clean water and soak rice in water overnight.

The next day, wash again with clean water then drain. Once drained, steamed ingredients for 10 minutes, then blend. Enter the material that has been refined this into the boiling sugar water that had been prepared. Drink this mixture twice a day, morning and afternoon.

Ingredients: 3 dried bay leaves continued life, 30 grams of dried leaves jombang, 2 slices of dried ginger, 7 pieces of dried bitter leaf, 30 grams of dried Centella asiatica, 2 slices white Intersection, 7 pieces of dried neem leaves, 1 / 2 finger bangle

How to use: All materials are boiled in five glasses of water to the remaining two cups. Potion taken twice daily before meals, each 1 cup.
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5 Habits that you need to do to improve your career

WHAT you feel like a career path in place? Does everyone seems to get a chance for a raise and promotion, while you work the more enterprising but rather in vain? Maybe it's time to reposition yourself and no other time than now!

So, use the new opportunities this year to start again from scratch. Know the following five habits that will help you more advanced, as reported by iDiva.
Define specific goals
If you do not have a specific purpose at least one course, do not be surprised if you remain in the same position until the end of 2011. Make a list of professional goals this year. For instance, wants to take over the three new projects, develop the role at the company and dreamed of office manager. This will keep you focused and strive to achieve it.

Update CV
Of course you're happy with your work, but that does not mean you are not prepared if there are better opportunities come your way. Not only that, update the CV to see how much progress you've done. If your CV is so-so alone, so it was a sign to be wary.

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships!
Today everything depends on relationships. Do not limit yourself to social networking sites. Develop your relationships. Meet new people in another department where you work.

Invest in yourself
Time to develop our minds. Which one you choose, web design, communications or marketing? Everything will help confidence and your career. more expertise to distinguish between good employees or not. Expand your expertise and knowledge this year.

Obey the unwritten rules
You know all the rules, timely and full of deadlines. But also know all the unwritten rules. Indeed, no one will watch, but refuses to obey will only hinder your career advancement.
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Do not Cut Drug Tablets

This is a warning to all who are frequently taking tablets by the split into two or more. Why not, it turns out, this common habit that is considered very dangerous because the tablets that have been cut can make a wrong dose of medication.


Reported by the Journal of Advanced Nursing, toxic and therapeutic dose is a consequence for people who often drink tablet in this way, especially for small size tablet.

Also mentioned, researchers succeeded in ensuring that the tablet is reduced 15-25 percent cut in its efficacy. "Tablet truncated and do not fall into the same size can also cause a staple in the medicine is gone."
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Near Birth Distance Increase Autism Risk

Spacing of children who are too close to potentially increase the risk of autism for a second child. Thus the results of the preliminary findings of a study of more than half a million children in California.


Children who are born less than two years after their brother, allegedly had a greater risk of autism than those born after a gap of three years.
The sooner parents contain a second child, the greater the likelihood the child suffering from autism. The effect was found in the parents in all age groups, thus refuted suggestions that parents of older age is a cause of autism risk, instead of short birth spacing.

"Honestly, the results of this study is quite surprising to us," said Peter Bearman, a senior writer at Columbia University, New York, as quoted by the Straits Times on Monday

"Whatever we do, whether to investigate the severity of autism, parental age, or other dimensions that we could think of, we can not get rid of this invention," said Bearman.

In the United States, a short distance more and more births occur. Largely because many women are now choosing to delay pregnancy, or precisely because of unplanned pregnancy.
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When Your Daughter Get Her First Menstrual

Puberty in girls is marked by the arrival of the first menstruation. Even though it is a natural process, the experience for the first time that happened a lifetime often create panic so it needs to be well prepared.


Most teens get first menstruation at age 12-14 years, despite differences in hormonal conditions can cause some teens get it earlier or even later. This event also marks the start functioning of the reproductive organs.
Excerpted from the LIVESTRONG, here are some things that can be prepared by the girls before the coming months for the first time.

1. Observe the signs
Recognize the symptoms of puberty more or less will help to anticipate the arrival of the first menstruation. Begin to bring the pads and the like if the hairs begin to grow in the genitals, breasts begin to grow and there are other changes in body shape.

Puberty also be the proper time to study reproductive health, because at this time that female organs begin to function properly. Stock of knowledge can help prevent many problems associated with the cleanliness of the female organs as well as more serious problems, including unwanted pregnancy and disease transmission.

2. Prepare needs
Some girls get her first menstrual period at school, so teens are encouraged to save the pads or the like in bags to anticipate the moment of the unexpected. There is no harm in also bringing over more than one, who knows there is a classmate who got her first menstruation at the same time.

3. Recognize the symptoms of premenstrual
Some women do not feel any symptoms before the coming months,, but most of the premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, do not panic if it feels just before menstruation abdominal pain or cramping, aching heads and unstable emotions. Take a pain reliever tablets if symptoms are unbearable.

4. Prepare change of clothes
If the pads are not able to accommodate the expelled blood, spots or red spots will appear skirt or pants. Clothes need to be prepared as a backup plan if it does not match the estimated blood volume. To deal with menstruation in the next cycle, select the pads that best suits your needs.

5. Form a group with peers
First period in each individual can occur at different ages, but the peers have a greater tendency to experience it within contiguous. Form one group with the same purpose, namely to support each other and share experiences about the first menstrual period may still feel awkward to tell the people who are more mature
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Menu Breakfast Healthy and Practice

There's no reason not to breakfast. Because, there are always ways to make breakfast, especially a healthy and practical.

Nutritious breakfast is practical advice from the Mayo Clinic the following could be an option:
* Oatmeal with a sprinkling of almonds and dried cranberries
* Cold cereal with fruit mixture
* Wheat bread with boiled egg
* Vegetables and cheese wrapped in tortillas
* Fruit, low-fat yogurt, and wheat are blended into a refreshing smoothie
* Bread wheat mixed crunchy low-fat cheese and peanut butter
* Wheat bread with thin slices of meat and low fat cheese
* Pancakes with fruit and yoghurt mixture

Breakfast is practically complete with vegetables

If the food choices at the top just did not fit with the tongue, you can choose healthy traditional foods and practical. Culinary experts from Club Nova, Erwin Kuditawati, suggest practical breakfast menu rich in nutrients derived from a combination of several vegetables in a dish.

Do not forget breakfast

Well, if the above menu to be your choice in the next few days, try not to skip breakfast time. How, for careful planning. One night earlier, choose what you want to prepare for breakfast. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than usual, but do not feel forced. Useless to prepare a healthy breakfast if you feel depressed. In case you overslept, prepare your breakfast ingredients in a food box. You can mix a number of materials, such as bread and peanut butter, in transit or upon arrival at the office or school children.

Changing the "mindset"
Leave the old mindset and a new mindset to live a more healthful, namely that you should not skip breakfast. Because, once you no breakfast, although the reasons for wanting to reduce calorie intake, you will eat more at lunch. So, the mindset of delaying breakfast or no breakfast at all no longer worthy to be stored in your brain. After all, did not take long to prepare a practical and healthy breakfast, as recommended above.
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Breastmilk Gives Intelligence Babies Men

Are there nutrients that can stimulate the baby's brain? The answer is no, ie breast milk. Latest research found that breastfed infants during the first 6 months have better academic ability than those not given breast milk.


Research conducted in Australia on 1038 infants who received breast milk from his mother. At 10 years of age, babies who are breastfed are superior in mathematics, reading, writing and spelling. But the results can only be seen protruding from the male infants who were breastfed.

Study leader, Wendy H. Oddy, nutritionist from the University of Western Australia said the differences in levels of intelligence in boys and girls is unclear. "Allegations while this is happening because boys are more prone to stress, while female hormones have a protective effect," he said.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics has several strengths. Experts following the development of children in the womb and has a large number of samples. Data were also collected from the mothers will stop breastfeeding so that the accuracy rate is quite high. On the other hand, the researchers difficulty of measuring other factors that affect duration of breastfeeding.
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Tips to Avoid a raging bull

People often make the bull as an object for the game. Well what if they rampage? How do I fix this? Here are some tips for you:

1. Forced to use a jutsu to run on water

2. hide and hoping the bull do not know the presence of  you

3. swim into the water hoping bull can not swim

4. You must have a strong physical  that bull fatigue chasing you

5. Scamper and ran as fast as possible

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Reading in Dim Light No Damage Eyes?

During this time the public learned that reading in dimly lit place that can damage the eyes. But what actually happens is not to damage the eyes, but eye stress.

This condition is usually often do the kids before bedtime. With only accompanied by dim light or dim his room, the children read the story books, comic books or other books.
As quoted from HowStuffWorks, a study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that reading under low light does not damage the eyes, but it causes eye strain. Because when someone is reading or walking in dim light, the eye will adjust in several ways.

First, the retina of the eye will start producing chemicals that are more sensitive to light, even these chemicals can detect light that is converted into electrical signals and sends signals to the brain.

Second, the iris muscle to relax, causing the opening of the eyes. This allows the eye to collect as much light as possible, so that the retinal nerve cells can adapt to low light to the retina of the eyes can work in low light.

When reading in the dim light, the focus will be more difficult, it makes the eyes have to work hard to separate the words and the eyes become more tense.

If the eyes are working hard for a long time, then the eye will become tired even though many of the muscles used. This condition can lead to some physical effects such as eye pain, itching, headaches, back and neck pain and reduced vision. Also sometimes a person rarely blinking because it is too focused on one object, so the possibility can experience dry eyes and discomfort.

If this condition continues, it will increase eye strain. If symptoms are not reduced, then chances are the person has a fundamental problem such as nearsightedness eye.

Most assume that reading in dim light causes permanent damage, possibly because someone already has the fundamental problem of nearsightedness and coupled with the occurrence of eye strain.

Therefore should be read by using a good light, light not too dim but not too much glare, so the eye does not experience tension. Also try to frequent blinking if it is too focused on an object and look out the window every 15-30 minutes.
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